The Wonderbolts are like Equestria's version of the Blue Angels and Rainbow Dash hopes to one day join their ranks.
Mayor Mare is obviously the mayor of Ponyville due to her name and while she's a recurring character she doesn't do much.

Cheerilee is the teacher in the Ponyville school.
Snips and Snails are the only boy colts so far and are like the token dorks/geeks. They adore Trixie and get Ponyville in trouble trying to make everyone else see how awesome they think she is.

Trixie was seen in Boast Busters where she declares herself "The Great and Powerful" and says she's better then every other pony. Annoying to me but very popular with many others.

Braeburn is Applejacks cousin who lives in Appleloosa, a wild west sort of town. Only seen once in the series he is nonetheless a very popular character.

Granny Smith is a slightly recurring character and is the eldest in the Apply family.

Sweetie Belle is Rarity's little sister and along with Applebloom and Scootaloo she makes up the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Applebloom is little sister to Applejack and one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sometimes whiny, she's a good filly at heart.

Scootaloo is one of the three self proclaimed Cutie Mark Crusaders and being very tomboyish she adores Rainbow Dash.

Zecora is a zebra that lives in the Everfree Forest and was feared by the ponies in Ponyville until the mane six figured out that she was nice.

Gilda is a griffon and old friend of Rainbow Dash, though her bad attitude made Dash rethink their friendship.

Spike is a purple and green baby dragon, Twilight's assistant and only way to contact Princess Celestia.
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